As I headed up the escalator from the metro station to the street,
I was greeted by a strong, cold wind.
The wind pushed me all the way to school.
How happy I was that the wind was going my way!
I wondered what the children would think of this,
as they made their way into school.
I thought,
Oh my, we have to celebrate the day's wind.
How might I engage the children about this wind?
Impulsively, instinctively, inadequately
I set up a very simple table project to create "wind sticks" to take with us on our daily walk-
bright orange streamers cut into long strips,
attached to simple craft sticks,
with small jewels and markers to bedazzle the sticks.
Several children found this "morning arrival" project to be fun and engaging, and, together, we created enough "wind sticks" for every child in the class.
Later, after centers, it was time for our daily walk.
Off we went, every child excitedly carrying this simple stick in their hand.
As we stepped outside,
dare I say,
I was blown away by their sheer delight?
Smiles. Laughter. Shrieks.
Joy. Delight. Marvel.
I had not anticipated how surprised they'd be to see
their streamers
take off into the air,
all pointing in the same direction,
"Look! Look! Look at the wind!"
"Look! Look! Look at my stick!"
Such a simple idea,
such enormous amazement by the children.
Great fun for their teacher, too!