Sunday, March 19, 2017

sol17-19 What am I to do?

I am participating in the
Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC).
All participants are writing about one moment, one part of their day, every day of March 2017. 
A big thank you to Two Writing Teachers for providing this unique opportunity
for teacher-writers to share and reflect.

What Am I To Do?
(a poem about challenging behavior in the preschool classroom)

He's thirty pounds of goading
You cannot believe he could
Sweetest little face and eyes
He will not do what he should.

He pours lunch milk on the floor,
Slowly dumps out all the blocks,
Takes special toys from his friends,
And runs when it's time to walk.

Of course, when the lights go out
and the slow nap music plays
He is now singing loudly 
tapping his foot, like a stage.

Shh! Shh! Take care! Please! Be kind!
I plead in so many ways
"Head, Shoulders, Knees" he now sings
The song we practiced today.

He's thirty pounds of goading
You cannot believe he could
Sweetest little face and eyes
He will not do what he should.


  1. You cannot believe he could... love how you ended with this same verse as the beginning to wrap it up. I'm feeling the same way about one little friend of mine.

    1. Thanks for commenting! Writing this poem was a nice release!

  2. I think I have a 75 pound of goading friend. Their bodies may get bigger, cut the behavior doesn't necessarily get better.

    1. It's definitely forgivable at age 3 - developmentally, he's just young. Best wishes with your bigger challenge!

  3. Nice way to frame your poem! Good luck to you with this little challenge, sweet face and all.

  4. Oh, best wishes for him to learn that others may not think his behavior is so great. Fun that you put this into a poem, kind of like Shel Silverstein, right?

    1. Yes! This is my wish - that he see how his behavior affects others. He's just really young. And very sweet!

  5. Life's no fun without our challenges. And their just so cute!

    1. Yes! They are very cute! He really is adorable.
