Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday SOL What about technology?

This is a Tuesday "Slice of Life" for Two Writing Teachers. Check out their website for lots more reflections on teaching.


What are the signs of an excellent technology program at the preschool level?
Lots of iPads?

Or is it about providing an environment that is rich with time, space, freedom, and possibility?

Children building structures and wondering, what makes this strong, sound, sturdy?

Children learning to use a variety of tools?

Children exploring mixtures and processes and wondering, why did that happen?

Children planning a project, sharing the resources, working together, showing respect for one another's work?

Children moving and manipulating objects and wondering, what just happened?

Children investigating how things work and wondering, how might I make it faster, longer, bigger, better?

Children working with odds and ends, having access to ample materials, and wondering, what might this be? 

Children thinking with their hands and wondering, would it be possible to create something all new?

Children designing and creating devices and wondering, how might I make it do that? 

Engineering - Can you create a sculpture that moves?
Engineering - creating a bridge that supports several toy elephants

Engineering - designing a boat that floats

Children exploring the world through play, making interesting things happen, and challenging themselves to new limits?

Merriam-Webster defines technology as the use of science to invent useful things or to solve problems.  Preschoolers know - instinctively - the best materials for this scientific work. Just watch them at play in the classroom!


  1. I never tire of seeing your photos, Maureen, and hearing your questions. No plug-ins needed...

  2. I love your examples of preschoolers using technology to explore their world. I can just see the learning taking place as they manipulate and explore and problem-solve.

  3. Beautiful. I couldn't agree more. Those pictures speak a million words about what a preschool needs to be... inventive, creative, fun.

  4. This is lovely! I like the pictures and captions. There is always magic happening next door to me (:

  5. Maureen,

    I LOVE this post. These images perfectly capture the essence of what every preschooler should be doing in their day. I agree. Tons of devices aren't needed for our youngest learners. They tend to crowd out this type of play. A few well used items could enhance this or share with parents easily. But at the end of the day dirt and blocks are the best tech a kid can get their hands on.
