Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday SOLS Special feeling

It is Tuesday and this is a "Slice of Life" (SOLS) for Two Writing Teachers.  Check out their website for lots more reflections on teaching.

Since I plan to write every day in March as part of the Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Challenge,  I won't feel guilty about sharing just a brief thought . . .

Last Friday, I left my classroom a little early and slipped over to another school, where Laura, my Teaching Resident from last year, now leads her own Pre-K class. She was having an "Engineering Exposition," featuring Three Little Pigs' houses, created from recyclables. Laura had set up the most gorgeous displays, with beautiful and detailed documentation of the engineering work. How to describe how I felt? Is this not unlike watching one's own child succeed? It was breath-taking, to see Laura in action in her own classroom. The families were surrounding her, children showing their work, parents asking questions and beaming. Everyone was so at home! What a happy community!

A very special experience for me.


  1. What a happy story! I can feel your pride through your words. I have only had one student teacher, and would love the experience of watching her in action! You are so lucky and obviously she was as well to have you for her supervisor. Great moment for you!

  2. I love this story. What a proud moment indeed.

  3. I remember when you wrote about her last year, Maureen. It must have been a proud moment indeed! Great to share her success with all of us.

  4. I didn't see this til just now, but it made me smile so hugely. And you should be proud. Because most moments when I feel successful, I am implementing a song, routine, trick, tradition, or story I learned from you :).
