Thursday, March 13, 2014

SOLSC #13 Our Learning Showcase

I am posting every day during March as part of the annual "Slice of LifeChallenge for Two Writing Teachers.  Check out their website for lots more reflections on teaching.


We had a very wonderful Learning Showcase last night! These triumphant events signal the end of another trimester of school (I am amazed that we are two-thirds of the way through the school year), and provide a whirlwind tour of what the children have been learning over the past many weeks. The children are always super excited to visit their classroom in the evening hours - and families are always so pleased to see what their children's work. Imagine, preschoolers creating projects - working on one thing for many minutes, days, weeks! It is a beautiful thing to see.

We transformed our classroom into "a museum," with

  • their cityscapes on the entry wall,

  • children's 3D homes and blueprints on exhibit on tables,

  • story collages hanging on the sides of cabinetry and other, along the perimeter of the room,

  • shadow puppets on the whiteboard, and

  • process art on a wall of windows.

Tech-savvy Melissa threw together an amazing "i-movie" about the Big Cats, so that the families could see their dear children at work and play in our classroom. 

Today is a day of professional development (lunch break is for blogging a slice! ;-) ...but the day began in a very special way: we toured the other classrooms, to see the Learning Showcase work throughout the school. Truly, I am amazed and invigorated by what I saw this morning. 

Throughout the school, preschool through fifth grade, the teachers show tremendous respect for what students are saying, doing, thinking, wanting, hoping. There is a profound trust in students' abilities, a belief in the student as initiator of his/her own learning. Each room highlighted individual student voice coupled with a strong sense of community...sprinkled with delightful, beautiful arts integration! 

I see and feel so much joy in my school! 

(A daily share by a preschooler, in their own words)
A Story Collage by Helen

Once upon a time, fish were swimming in a frozen sea. Someone came along. It was a bear. It was a mean bear. It eats stuff. But, a bunny hopped into the ocean and it hopped away. It hopped and hopped and hopped, out of the place where the frozen ocean was. When the bunny came back, there was nothing else but fish and sand. The bunny hopped off to the land of colors. The bunny’s friend came along. What he saw was just colors everywhere. He hopped away and all he saw was colors everywhere! Another one of his friends came hopping along from the other way. They both went off to the beach again. A boat was floating along. And a bunny came, a bear came, and a pig! The End


  1. What truly lovely displays. Thank you so much for sharing. Children are wonderful creators.

  2. How fun to see everyone's learning. Is there a place or format for the students to reflect on their learning as well?

  3. Just gorgeous displays, Maureen. It reminds me of our Expo celebration, and I know how much work this represents, on the part of the teachers and the students. Congratulations!

  4. Maureen the work that I saw in your classroom was breathtaking. Every showcase, I am always impressed by what 3 years can do: their ideas, and they way they express their thoughts and feelings. How you manage to bring that out of your students is amazing. I mean I am still struck by the stories. Some of them were so vivid! Ada's story had a beginning, middle and end that the reader could follow! Your room is always rich with learning. It is so student driven! Your work and the way you think about your work spreads throughout our school. I know that the trust and release that I gave my students this semester came from feeling safe and inspired to do so by colleagues like you! You are my pioneer and mentor in this work. Thank you!
