Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday SOL What are your questions?

 This is a Tuesday "Slice of Life" for Two Writing Teachers. Check out their website for lots more reflections on teaching.

This is the time of year when prospective families often drop by the school to check it out, to see if this is the place that they want to send their preschooler.

What questions will they have?
Will they wonder about the curriculum?
The pattern of our day?
The types of activities we do?
What project are we working on?
Are they wondering about our academics?
Will they ask, where is the math? what about literacy?
Are we teaching children to write?
What are the learning standards for preschool?

One young couple dropped by today, getting ready to send their firstborn to preschool.

They had two questions:

Is it a problem that my child takes a three-hour nap?
How will my child adjust to having so many classmates, when he is a quiet, introverted child?

I loved these questions!
These are parents who are thinking about their child,
and his developmental needs.

Right on!!


  1. Although really mature in many ways, my (in 6 days) 5 year old granddaughter still likes a nap some days. They are trying to start getting her ready for Kdg next year, but I do understand the question. Naptime for some is important. You are great to love the questions, Maureen.

  2. Parents of first born children have such lovely questions, they are leaving their precious one with us for a great many hours each day. A three hour nap, wow, thats good, he might need the wake up fairy at preschool!! I really liked the list you had pre empting what they would ask and then those 2 special questions were not on the list. That part showed a real softness in your writing, the contrast between a long list and then just 2 simple questions. I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. It's interesting how different parents are, I think, even between couples. I like how the second set of questions showed real reflection-- almost like they were really asking, "Do you care about MY baby?" Nothing else really matters if they know we care.

  4. I love that you value their questions! I also greatly appreciate such thoughtful questions. Questions that show a parent is thinking about their child in the now. Who they are today and not who they want to mold that child into. It's so powerful and so hard. What if the question was, How will you help my child get over being an introvert? Very different question.
