Yes, yes, yes, I haven't shared anything from my classroom in only too long!
Let me share some fun photos from my morning with 3-5 year olds. Each Friday this month, we are exploring engineering with recyclables. Today, we read the book Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen, and discussed the story's problem: the boat sunk!
Would it be possible to build a boat?
How about one that wouldn't sink?
How about if we only used recyclables and tape?
Would it be possible to create one that could hold small toy animals, much like the story?
Would the boat float if we actually tested it in water?
The answers are yes! yes! yes! yes! yes!
Children selected from a variety of leftover materials, including:
- Cardboard rolls
- Egg cartons
- Shoeboxes and other small cardboard boxes
- Yogurt and other small plastic containers
- Scrap paper
- Styrofoam trays and containers
- Paper cups, bowls, plates
- Brown paper bags
- Craft sticks
- Aluminum foil
Everyone designed their own boats, being sure to create room for each of the animals. Each child told us about their creation and then launched their boat into our bin of water.
We had a whole lot of fun!
Magical little floating worlds combined with scientific inquiry, fantastic!