Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Shall we go for a walk?

It is Tuesday and this is a "Slice of Life" (SOLS) for Two Writing Teachers.  Check out their website for lots more reflections on teaching.

We had snow days last Thursday and Friday - which meant we had a five day weekend, due to President's Day yesterday. 

Today, we returned to school! 

We have had such an inconsistent calendar this winter, what with delayed starts and snow days, plus ice cold, freezing temperatures that have resulted in lots of indoor play.

Preschoolers do not thrive on such a broken routine.

We had a very energetic and loud morning, 
with children delighted to be together again, 
playing in their classroom, 
their special place. 
Ahhh, routine!

Although snow was falling as I left for school this morning, 
by mid-day the temperature was in the 40s. 

In pursuit of fresh air 
and the strong desire to return to our once normal routine,
I suggested we take a walk outside today.

Today, we returned to school and our normal routine!

Before we could go outside, 
we had to get our coats on.
Plus, we had to remember how to line up with the walking rope.
Several children didn't want to go outside - and seemed to have entirely forgotten that 
"we all must go outside together - all for one, one for all!"
Finally, we corralled the reticent and unwilling to get their coats on and join us in the line.
We had spent some 20 minutes just getting everyone ready to go out the door.

Out the door of the school we went!

Today, we returned to school and our normal routine!

Nope. Bad news.
With the exception of right in front of our school, 
the sidewalk was still frozen over.
I hadn't thought of that.

Today, I learned that it is near impossible to guide 22 preschoolers on a walking rope over ice.

We froze in our steps.
Change in plans.
Back inside.
Everyone turned around, facing the other direction, 
holding the walking rope with the other hand.
The back of the line became the leaders,
The once leaders became the cabooses.
[That, actually, for a new routine, went pretty smoothly!]

We'd been outside for at most 5 minutes.

Step, step, step
back inside.

Take coats off, hang them up,
settle in for storytime.

Today, we returned to school.

Our normal routine remains elusive.


  1. Love this. I can picture the chaos and confusion, the energy and enthusiasm.

  2. A normal routine will be nice to return to. But I've found sometimes a lack of routine is good for them to learn to be able to adapt. And they did! The reversing direction was a wonderful accomplishment.

  3. What a winter for those of you east of us has been! We've had a little snow, two very cold spells, & that' it. The mountains have had loads of snow. We're all wondering if snow will appear with a vengeance in March? You sound like a wonderful and patient teacher on this day back after the time off, Maureen. Sorry for the ice-fresh air would have been terrific. Maybe tomorrow?

  4. Doesn't seem conceivable to me as we spent the evening swimming in the pool in Florida. We are stuck in the 80's all week. I suppose there are trade-offs anywhere you live. No snow days! Love that you tried to bring your kids back on track. It is difficult to keep high school kids on track.
