Tuesday, January 29, 2013

SOLSC Just a thought

Today's thoughts are for Two Writing TeachersSlice of Life.  Check out their website for lots of great reflections on teaching.

I am thinking and wondering,

if you - an adult - have been taught to critique, 
to notice what is wrong with children's behavior, 
to insist they "shape up,"

is it possible to learn

to redirect children toward more engaging, appropriate behavior,
to model positive and respectful talk,
to trust that children are still learning right from wrong?

Is this too much to ask of adults?
To learn this new voice, new approach?
Is it teachable?

It seems such a small thing.
But it has huge repercussions in a classroom.


  1. I sure hope an adult can learn, but from what I've seen they often choose not to.

  2. Indeed! We work on this often in our school, but still some of the sarcasm appears from adults, & not always from the new ones. I just spoke with a young teacher today about the importance of modeling, but not about the kind of words you're writing about, the ones that model 'thinking'. I think it is teachable, if someone seeks the answers. Thanks, Maureen!

  3. Not a small thing at all. Thanks for this, Maureen.
